SMART START astronauts were excited for an "out of this world" experience both this and last year! Blast off with us as we journey into outer space!
2018: Space Week!
Star gazers challenged themselves to a riveting game of "place the star of the constellation" (similar to the classis game "pin the tail on the donkey). Each child used their sense of touch and spatial awareness during this activity.
Crew members landed around the table to decorate magnets. Each received a wooden star or spaceship magnet to paint, create and design.
SMART START astronauts were in awe and full of imagination as they dressed up in a space suit. Thank you, Gus for bringing in this themed related costume to share with friends. The children zoomed around and launched into the universe. Dramatic play and dress up are an important part of preschool development for many reasons:
- engages brain development and memory
- vocabulary building
- problem-solving
- emotional development
- gender exploration
- motor skills
- imitation
Students look forward to story time with a teacher, as well as independent and paired reading. Learning in nature is good for the mind and body for many reasons:
- boosts concentration
- develop a love, respect and appreciation for nature
- develop understanding of how we look at our environment
- encourages holistic development of children
2019: Space Day!
There are 8 planets The planets orbit around the sun Saturn, Jupitar, Uranus and Neptune have rings Mercury is the smallest planet.
We also taught about how human beings and animals live on planet earth. Each child was handed a paper planet earth for an interactive story. All were instructed to raise their planet earth up high every time they found it as the pages were read.
Art was incorporated into our space agenda to make a personalized spaceship using their own footprint, stars and other media. Students are always exceptionally proud of their projects when made with their own handprints/footprints. Crafts such as these also serve as a great sensory activity. Young learners pretended their spaceships were taking off to the moon... 1, 2, 3 blastoff!
Early readers enjoyed sitting at a space themed book display. Pupils participated in partnered reading and reviewed all that they learned during the day. There are numerous advantages of partnered reading some being but not limited to: learning how to give and receive feedback, assist in developing reading fluency and allow peers to learn from and help one another.
🌙 We hope you enjoyed learning about our space explorations!☀