
Holiday Happenings

    Beginning December 1st, SMART START enjoyed celebrating the Christmas season! Young learners engaged in an abundance of festive fun throughout this magical month. 

Read about our holiday happenings below!

📅Classmates crafted a "Countdown to Christmas Calendar" using posterboard, Santa face plates, glue sticks, glitter and a printed sheet of numbers 1-25. A cotton ball is added each day until Santa has a fluffy, white beard on the 25th!

👵 Everyone excitedly anticipated the annual visit from Mrs. Claus. From singing classic carols to playing reindeer games, all had a holly jolly good time! At the end of this special event, each child placed their Christmas wish list inside a mailbox. Mrs. Claus promised to deliver the letters to Santa once she arrived back at the North Pole. 

Paper, red & white paint, brushes, glitter and littel hands were utilized to create a "HO, HO, HO Handprint Ornament."

🎄Festive friends decked the halls in both their indoor and outdoor classrooms with tinsel, wreaths, lights, ornaments, ribbon and more! 

🍬 Students were "baking spirits bright" on Gingerbread Day. Cookies were baked, decorated, eaten and the classic game of "Candy Land" was played. 

🎨 Pupils were provided the opportunity to select their own project: wreath, bag or ornament. The finished decor came out beautifully!

👕All was merry and bright on Pajama Day! Peers fashioned their favorite holiday sleep attire and cozied up with a cup of cheer, candy canes and Christmas music. 

🧝 SMART START Elves were busy in their workshop making surprise presents for their parents: a carton to fill with eggs from their class chickens. 

🥚Eggs were collected and added to the thoughtfully decorated cartons. 

🎵 Filled with the holiday spirit, our chorus practiced and performed a song.

 Lyrics: (sung to the tune of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")

Ring, Ring, Ring Your Bell
Ring It Loud and Clear, 
Everybody Everywhere
Christmas Time Is Here!

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A themed cut and paste was incorporated into our everyday core curriculum. Pre-K/K worked on matching holiday objects to their corresponding sounds while Preschoolers familiarized themselves with basic scissor skills and number recognition. 

📕 The group gathered outside for circle time. Using an alphabet poster, all identified Christmas words that start with each letter such as "Tree starts with T", "Santa starts with S" and "Presents start with P."

🎅 Christmas Eve's enchanting essence was embraced through a finger play poem: 

When Santa Comes to My House

I'd Like to Take a Peek
But I Know He'll Never Come
Until I'm Fast Asleep

View Below!

🎁 Yuletide traditions continued with our annual party! Festivities included a gift exchange, bingo, freeze dance, arts and crafts and a surprise visit from Santa Claus- Oh what fun!

    We hope you enjoyed reading about our holiday lessons! The first five years of a child's life are extremely significant to their future development and well-being. SMART START is grateful to partake in these special formative stages with our young learners. Our hope is to foster early experiences that will have a lasting, positive impact throughout their educational journey. 


1 comment:

  1. You surely made their holiday season bright! So many fun-filled activities, crafts, treats and more! This Christmas season at SMART START will definitely be one they’ll always treasure 🎄
