
Goodbye Fall!

Autumn activities were throughly embraced at SMART START!

Read below to see what our young learners experienced this season šŸ‚

Fall fun began with a class favorite, “Apple Tree Counting.” This game consists of adding  apples on a tree to match the numbered bushel. Addition and subtraction problems can also be introduced for example, adding the sum of two trees. 

“Leaf Letters” was another learn through play activity. Upper & lowercase leafs were matched and simple words such as “fall” were spelled. 

Friends frolicked around their pretend play pumpkin patch. All found a perfect pumpkin to paint! 

Autumn was in the air as classmates enthusiastically jumped off hay bales, stuffed a scarecrow and went on wagon rides! 

Wagon Linked Here

Gross motor skills were challenged and enhanced while raking and jumping in leaves! 

Rakes Linked Here

Learning in and about the outdoors is a central component of our curriculum. Our students appreciated all of nature’s changes: rainy days, brisk mornings, falling leaves, bright colors, prickly pinecones and more! 

An autumn masterpiece was created using paper, leaves and paint. 

A “Fall About Me” poster was completed and presented by each student. A fun way to learn fall facts about the class!

Thank you for reading! 



Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! 

Read about our holiday activities below. 

Festivities began with a turkey  crown craft. Peers also practiced writing their names on their crowns. 

Turkey Crowns Linked Here

Storytime in the outdoor classroom served as a time to teach about the essence of Thanksgiving. Various words such as: grateful, thankful, generous and kind were explained. 

“Tomorrow I’ll Be Kind” Book Linked Here

Beginner bakers put on aprons and chef hats and headed to their kitchen to make some delicious school-made bread & butter. They also used apple cider to create ice pops. 

Butter Churner Linked Here

Fine motor abilities were enhanced through creating paper chains and other holiday decorations. 

The class completed a “Thankful Leaf” for their weekly homework assignment. Each wrote/drew what they were grateful for on a paper leaf. We discussed the leaves during outdoor circle time. 

The annual Friendsgiving feast was a memorable event. Each student brought in a dish to share with their classmates. All expressed things they were most thankful for and the celebration of friendship was highlighted. 



Halloween Happenings

Halloween is an exciting time at SMART START šŸ‘»

Read about our activities below! 

Students decorated “trick or treat” bags in preparation for their Halloween party at school. The finished products showcased some creepy designs such as spiderwebs, witch hats, monster faces and flying bats.

The class circled on our outdoor classroom tree stumps for a read aloud of, “Go Away Big Green Monster.” this classic story engages children’s imaginations while also empowering them to use their voices and express themselves. 

Fine motor abilities were challenged while constructing a tasty treat- ghost pops. All you need are lollipops, paper towels, ribbon and a marker- boo! 

A spooky sensory art project was created using hand and footprints.

View Below! 

The annual Halloween party was fun for all! Trick or treating, bingo, coloring, creative costumes and more! 

Festivities were concluded with a photo craft. Our young learners love to look back on these magical formative memories! 



Mother Goose Rhymes

The nursery rhymes of “Mother Goose” were studied at SMART START. Our young learners eagerly embraced these classic stories and songs through play based lessons. 

Read below! 

Rhyming is a key component of Mother Goose tales. Students used picture cards to match objects that rhyme. 

Rhyming activities in Early Childhood Education assist children in developing phonological awareness. (Identifying sounds in letters/words). These skills are essential as they are the foundation of reading! 

“Mother Goose” herself visited for an interactive musical experience. The magic of her nursery rhymes were brought to life through singing, dancing, games and more! 

View below! 

Mother Goose Show Highlights

To conclude this unit, classmates enthusiastically acted out various rhymes such as “Little Bo Peep”, “Jack & Jill”, “Ring Around the Rosie” and “Hickory, Dickory, Dock.” Dramatic play opportunities can enhance vocabulary, emotional expression, creativity, imagination and promotes high self-esteem!  

Links to performances below! 

Nursery Rhyme Pretend Play 1

Nursery Rhymes Pretend Play 2



Tumble & Train

Physical education is an essential component of SMART START’S curriculum. Our young learners enjoy enhancing their gross motor skills through interactive exercise activities.

Students have been receiving weekly “Tumble & Train” instruction from Miss Maria. Forward rolls, stretching techniques, jumping drills, balancing abilities, strength training, collaborative coordination and more!  

View Highlights Below! 




In honor of October being National Fire Prevention month, our young learners hosted an apple cider & school-made donut stand to support their local fire department. 

This year’s national fire safety theme is “Cooking Safety Starts With You!” Hands-on cooking and baking is a frequent component of SMART START’S curriculum. Due to this, our classroom chefs are instructed on safety protocols regarding using appliances as well as fire emergency procedures. All of this was further discussed while classroom chefs baked delicious donuts for their sale. 

The apple cider & donut stand was a success! Our students were so excited to welcome The North Andover Fire Department as their first visitors. All were in awe as they engaged with these community heroes and explored a fire engine. The firefighters expressed their appreciation for the sale proceeds and also enjoyed some donuts and cider! 

A North Andover police officer and police pup made a special appearance! 

Family, friends, neighbors & SMART START alumni also stopped by. 

In addition to fire safety, this event educated on the importance of community involvement. Introducing this topic in Early Childhood Education encourages children to become active members in their towns and to develop an interest in the world around them. Contributing to the community in even the smallest ways can make a significant impact!