Our classroom walls and whiteboard transformed into a "Heroic Students" backdrop. The scene was filled with positive and encouraging statements such as:
- We do our best!
- Keep working toward your goals!
- We share!
- Never give up!
- Make smart choices!
- We are kind!
- Always be truthful!
- We work together!
These mottoes reflect our central core values at SMART START: Service, Mindfulness, Achievement, Respect and Trust.
The themed language arts lesson consisted of spelling the words: super, power, kind, brave and share. Prekindergartners used their knowledge of phonics to sound out certain words and comprehended the concept of a silent "E." Preschoolers practiced letter identification and matching letter to sound. All achieved a "Super Speller" award.
This year, all assembled a picture frame to commence their superhero ensemble project. Each used stickers and chose a super power they thought best described themselves: I am kind, I am responsible, I am brave, I am cooperative or I am honest.
Future heroes were ecstatic to decorate their very own cape. Supplies used included glue, stickers, jewels and glitter. All were eager to showcase their capes and practiced saying, "SMART START Superheros save the day!"
- improves communicative skills
- promotes social and emotional intelligence
- fosters creativity
- synthesize and attain knowledge
Peers received superhero hole punch cards during our past "Superhero Week". Each time a pupil exhibited a heroic quality, they were able to hole punch their card. Once the card was filled, all were rewarded with a prize. This system reinforced the positive characteristics and behaviors discussed throughout this unit, as well as teaching how to set and achieve goals.
On "Superhero Day", friends focused their attention to a display which featured an assortment of books relaying the important heroic messages. This time allowed for a discussion regarding the everyday heros without capes and powers. Each participated by naming a heroic individual in their lives. Mommy, daddy, firefighter, doctor, police officer, best friend, brother and sister were thoughtfully mentioned.

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